Dynastic Colonialism
Susan University of Western Australia and 3 more
Not Available
Honourable Intentions?
Penny Russell and 1 more
James VI and Noble Power in Scotland 1578-1603
Miles KerrPeterson and 1 more
Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World C.1410-1800
Tracey Amanda Sowerby and 1 more
Early Professional Women in Northern Europe, c. 1650-1850
Johanna Ilmakunnas
An Unproclaimed Empire: The Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Zenonas Vilnius University and 1 more
Social Thought in England, 1480-1730
AL Beier
The English Chartered Trading Companies, 1688-1763
Michael Oxford University and 1 more
Enlightenment in Scotland and France
Mark Hulliung
The School of Salamanca in the Affairs of the Indies
Natsuko Matsumori
Criminal Justice During the Long Eighteenth Century
David Lemmings
The Peace of Augsburg and the Meckhart Confession
Adam Hough
The Business of the Roman Inquisition in the Early Modern Era
Germano Maifreda
The English Revolution and the Roots of Environmental Change
George Yerby
Individuality in Early Modern Japan
Peter Nosco
Witchcraft, the Devil, and Emotions in Early Modern England
CharlotteRose The University of Queensland and 1 more
Conversion and Islam in the Early Modern Mediterranean
Claire Norton
Maurits of Nassau and the Survival of the Dutch Revolt
Nick Liverpool John Moores University and 1 more
Edwin Sandys and the Reform of English Religion
Sarah L Bastow
Murder, Justice, and Harmony in an Eighteenth-Century French Village
Nancy Locklin
Church and Censorship in Eighteenth-Century Italy
Patrizia Delpiano
The Discourse of Exile in Early Modern English Literature
J Seth Lee
Dreams in Early Modern England
Janine University of Toronto and 1 more
India in the Italian Renaissance
Meera Juncu
Violence and Emotions in Early Modern Europe
Susan University of Western Australia and 1 more
London, Londoners and the Great Fire of 1666
Jacob F Field
The Solemn League and Covenant of the Three Kingdoms and the Cromwellian Union, 1643-1663
Kirsteen M Mackenzie
Plural Pasts
Penny University of Sydney and 1 more
Zenonas Norkus
Susan Broomhall and 1 more
Early Professional Women in Northern Europe, C. 1650-1850
Johanna Ilmakunnas and 2 more
Miles University of Glasgow and 1 more
Penury into Plenty
Ayesha Mukherjee
The Construction of Reformed Identity in Jean Crespin's Livre des Martyrs
Jameson University of Plymouth and 1 more
Tracey A Sowerby and 1 more
Cities and Solidarities
Justin Colson
Women and Jewish Marriage Negotiations in Early Modern Italy
Howard Tzvi Queens University and 1 more
Guilds, Labour and the Urban Body Politic
Bert De Munck
Prosecuting Homicide in Eighteenth-Century Law and Practice
ew D Gray
David Lemmings and 1 more
Frederik Hendrik and the Triumph of the Dutch Revolt
Voices in the Legal Archives in the French Colonial World
Nancy Western University and 1 more
The Political Discourse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Anna Polish Academy of Sciences and 1 more
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Andrzej Jagiellonian University and 1 more
The English Woollen Industry, C.1200-C.1560
John Oldland
Islamic Thought Through Protestant Eyes
Mehmet Karabela
The Turks and Islam in Reformation Germany
Gregory J Miller
Early Modern English Noblewomen and Self-Starvation
Sasha University of Sheffield and 1 more
Languages of Reform in the Eighteenth Century
Susan Richter
Incombustible Lutheran Books in Early Modern Germany
Avner and 1 more
Religious Tolerance from Renaissance to Enlightenment
Eric MacPhail
Adam Glen Hough
Spain, Rumor, and Anti-Catholicism in Mid-Jacobean England
Calvin F Senning
Social and Cultural Relations in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Richard Butterwick
Piracy and Captivity in the Mediterranean
Mario Klarer
Firsting in the Early-Modern Atlantic World
Lauren Beck
The Dirty Secret of Early Modern Capitalism
Kees Boterbloem
Natsuko University of Shizuoka and 1 more
Science in an Enchanted World
Julie Davies
Protestant Resistance in Counterreformation Austria
Peter Thaler
Religion and the Early Modern British Marketplace
Kristin M S Bezio and 1 more
Making the Union Work
Alexander Murdoch
The Economic Causes of the English Civil War
Brokerage and Networks in London's Global World
David Farr
John Stearne’s Confirmation and Discovery of Witchcraft
Scott Queens University Belfast and 1 more
The Renaissance of Plotinus
Anna Corrias
Manila, 1645
Pedro Luengo
Major-General Hezekiah Haynes and the Failure of Oliver Cromwell’s Godly Revolution, 1594–1704
Nicholas Ridley
The English Exorcist
Brendan C Walsh
The Early-Modern State
Marjolein t Hart
Anti-Jacobitism and the English People, 1714–1746
Jonathan Ealing Local History Centre and 1 more
Anna GrzeÔskowiakKrwawicz
From Classical to Modern Republicanism
Mark Brandeis University and 1 more
Nancy Christie and 2 more
Congress of International Researchers of Polish History
German Imperial Knights
Richard J Ninness
The Eye of the Crown
Kristin MS Bezio
The Reformation of England's Past
Matthew Phillpott
The Scramble for Italy
Idan Sherer
Michael Wagner
Drew D Gray
Mehmet Queens University and 1 more
Negotiating Exclusion in Early Modern England, 1550–1800
Naomi University of Warwick and 1 more
Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century
István M Szijártó
Spain and the Protestant Reformation
Wayne H Florida State University and 1 more
The Execution of Admiral John Byng as a Microhistory of Eighteenth-Century Britain
Joseph J Butte College and 1 more
Artistic and Political Patronage in Early Stuart England
Brian OFarrell
Bringing the People Back In
Knut Dørum and 2 more
William the Silent and the Dutch Revolt
Diplomatic Cultures at the Ottoman Court, c.1500–1630
Tracey A University of Oxford and 1 more
Remarriage and Stepfamilies in East Central Europe, 1600-1900
Gabriella Erdélyi
Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice
Anna Bellavitis
Children at the Birth of Empire
Kristen McCabe Vanguard University and 1 more
Kristin MS University of Richmond and 1 more
Seventeenth Century Practical Mathematics
Paul Hughes
Oliver Cromwell’s Kin, 1643-1726
Swedish and Finnish Historiographies of the Swedish Realm, c. 1520–1809
Miia Kuha
Losing Face
Ilana Krausman BenAmos
Deposing Monarchs
Cathleen Sarti
The Politics of Obscenity in the Age of the Gutenberg Revolution
Peter University of Fribourg and 1 more
The Irish in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux
Charles Ludington
Paper Heritage in Italy, France, Spain and Beyond (16th to 19th Centuries)
Benedetta Borello
Traitor or Patriot? Boguslaw Radziwill (1620-1669) and the Dilemmas of a Transnational Aristocrat
Karin Friedrich
Pepijn Brandon and 2 more
The Trial of Giordano Bruno
Germano Università degli Studi di Milano and 1 more
The Making of the Modern Corporation
Carlo Taviani
Brokerage and Networks in London’s Global World
Anglo-Prussian Relations 1701–1713
Crawford MartinLutherUniversität HalleWittenberg and 1 more
Early Jesuits and the Rhetorical Tradition
Jaska Kainulainen
Kristin M S Bezio
The Culture and Politics of Regime Change in Italy, c.1494-c.1559
Alexander Lee
Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century. Volume I Representative Institutions and Political Motivation
István M Szijártó and 2 more
Wayne H Bowen
Anti-Jacobitism and the English People, 1714-1746
Jonathan Oates
Royal Journeys in Early Modern Europe
Anthony Musson and 1 more
Timothie Bright and the Origins of Early Modern Shorthand
James Dougal Fleming
Interdisciplinary Edo
Joshua Schlachet and 1 more
The British and German Worlds in an Age of Divergence (1600-1850)
Niels Grüne and 1 more
Products, Users, and Popular Luxury in Early Modern Greece
Artemis Yagou
Anna Bellavitis and 1 more
Gabriella Erdélyi and 1 more
Kristen McCabe Lashua
A Genlis Education and Enlightenment Values
Denise Yim
Houses, Families, and Cohabitation
Dag Lindström and 1 more
Establishment Eschatology in England's Reformation
Tim Patrick
Images of Change
Teresa DelgadoJermann
Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires
Koldo Trápaga Monchet and 2 more
The Market Space of Portuguese Cities
Daniela Nunes Pereira